
7 Important Things to Discuss with Your Developer Before Getting Started

The development process is crucial for successfully creating the application product. It relied upon many of your resources like app cost, complexity, hiring the app development team, technical stack required, features, etc.

App Developers are responsible for building the product from the beginning. They have a very unique mindset. So, whether you choose an outsourcing team or hire mobile app developers, you must maintain healthy communication with them.

Here are the steps you should keep in mind to discuss with your developer before you start your app journey.

Let’s get started.

Things Which Are Important to Discuss

Many times we have seen lack of communication will directly affect the completion of an app. So, it’s important to maintain a sound environment with your development team, especially with the developers.

After all, they are responsible for fulfilling the most acquired needs of the project. But sometimes they are distracted, miss their deadlines, or make false promises to you.

Nonetheless, it’s good for you to be associated with your developer 

during the complete development process.

7 Important Things to Discuss with Developer for the Mobile App Development

1. What is the Important Mode of Communication?

Before Hire Dedicated Mobile App Developers you have to remember these some important things.  Communication is the key to the progress of any business and its services. It’s better to communicate with your developer to ensure the quality of your product.

There are various modes of communication; chat messages, video conferencing, emails, PMS, and others. Whichever way is suitable between you and the developer, interrogate with it and follow the proper roundup in the schedules; weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

This helps to maintain transparency and product quality.

How Does It Help?

This way eliminates the risk of failure in the project. This is a great habit for you before proceeding with the project.

2. How Does the Developer Manage the Project?

This is the obvious question you need to ask your developer. Being the business owner, your concern for the part and parcel of the project is quite evident.

You must ask and understand how your developer develops the workflow and the other important aspects. The outcome should be matched with the trend and fulfill customer satisfaction.

Important credentials, any license required, third-party integration, and plugins, whatsoever are going to be used in the product, you should ask him before.

How does it benefit?

This saves your look over time once the development starts. You can use it for some other priority work. Gives a quick analysis of your project and progresses it in the right direction.

3. Implementation of Development Process and Maintenance Strategy

The developer is well-equipped to follow the optimized maintenance strategy for the overall process. Starting with the planning, to designing, and prototyping every process the developer has followed should be working substantially.

How Does It Help?

We internally test the quality check at individual steps using testing methods such as unit testing, manual testing, end-to-end testing, and integration testing.

The business can choose dedicated mobile app developers to match the industry standards.

They would not miss any of the parts while developing.

4. What Would Be the Timeline for the Project Completion?

The project should meet the timeline factor. While keeping in mind the mobile application developer matches the standard of the industries. Make sure that the features are properly aligned inside.

How Does It Help?

The developer must be mindful of the important time constraints; and soft and hard time deadlines. If you fail to properly communicate with him, chances are he will lose up either the quality of the product or cross the time limit.

All you have to do is just ask your developer to deliver the project on time.

5. Identify the Final Cost of the Project

The primary cost of the mobile app development merely depends on the basic features added, the complexity of the product, technologies, maintenance charges, and the rate of the per hour developer charged.

Nonetheless, some hidden expenses would be billed by the developers. It’s better to talk about the overall cost of the project before he starts working on it.

What Is Its Benefit?

It helps to widen your trust in the project, and the developer. This maintains transparency and builds up a relationship with each other. 

6. Contract Format

The contract between you and the development team is the legal written agreement. It covered terms and conditions and every consent that you and the developer should agree upon.

What Are Its Benefits?

There are times when due to some conflicts the developer denies continuing further. Or if you have hired the freelancer chances are he will end up with the project in the middle without prior knowledge.

In this scenario, a legal agreement would be a savior for your business and the development team.

7. What are the final deliverables/handover of the project?

The final project delivery is very well examined before. The list of actual deliverables includes codes, API integration, design and program, and other important elements. All of the requirements should match the stipulated budget.

How does it help?

Each important parameter should be kept in mind by the developer. This will save the extra cost and time of your company.


There are no hard and fast written parameters that would assure the quality of the final project. But communication between the business and the developer complies with for the better delivery of the application.

We have meticulously prepared a well-researched list of the essential factors for implementing outsourcing or hiring mobile app developers in India.

You must pick some great sources to establish your brand services in the competitive market. Octal It Solution is one such platform, that has expert professionals for businesses.