Android development company

How to find and hire an Android development company

Customers worldwide are hiring an Android development company to build applications from scratch.

Android is versatile because of its programming language. Android allows developers to create and maintain highly scalable and feature-rich applications. This is a powerful language that covers all the features and automates many of the tasks that developers have to do manually. Millions of companies have chosen Android for their app because they can build a secure environment.

However, companies that choose to meet their specific needs need customers. The choice of team must be made at the outset of the search, and the criteria must be guided by the customer to find the perfect fit.

Where can I find Android developers?

A good Android developer is not easy to find or is very expensive. To hire Android app developers there are a lot of options. Online space is a host of many free markets for mobile app development companies as well as freelance developers. Mobile app development companies can build profiles in the market and post projects with previous customer reviews and ratings. Your feedback will give a better understanding of how your company operates and the quality of projects they develop.

When you are looking for an Android development company, check your company’s website, look at your portfolio, and research the services your company offers. A good company should boast and have an appealing website.

Use the standard of Android Development Company

It is best to use a streamlined approach to choose which development company you want to use. The key elements for creating a potential candidate image are:


Companies with excellent expertise will provide a broad technology stack or focus on specific areas. Their expertise should be the ability to use the latest Android version. Developers need to know how to use libraries, Android extensions, and third-party APIs. When you contact the Android development company, ask about the commonly used technology stack.

Code example:

You can describe the project to your company representative and request a code sample that demonstrates similar functionality. You can then see the code provided to the technical specialist. This analysis shows whether the developers understand the basic knowledge of Android and understanding of development framework MVC architecture, how to understand the in-depth knowledge of Android development strategy, and whether to understand the basics of Android programming.


Each programming language has its standard. You should also contact the company to ensure compliance with this standard. The common standard for Android is described in the official Android guide.

Job description:

Provide candidates with appropriate job descriptions that clearly describe the project requirements and the functionality they need to implement. The job description must describe the skills, expertise, and experience you need.

The technology consultant can build a list of candidate technologies and APIs. By creating this list, developers can find developers more quickly because project managers can easily specify the best people for their projects. With one or two Android developers, a development partner can provide one to two people to report to project managers.


Claims filed by the applicant must be supported by the actual work assigned to the Android development team. This test helps you understand the communication skills and expertise of potential development partners. Test work shows whether the developers adhere to the best practices and how good the code logic is. Make sure the candidate can troubleshoot Android-centric architecture issues. Their code will represent their favorite framework for a given task.

Previous customer reference material:

Request a reference material to understand better how developers work. By partnering with customers, companies can gain feedback on how to communicate with customers, respond to problems, and gain feedback on innovative approaches.

Budget and Fee:

You undoubtedly want to get an idea of the cost before making a final decision. Because developers have different hourly rates, they should have a general idea of how much developers will charge for development. When a developer evaluates the time required for a project, it tells you how much your app will cost. It is a good idea to ask the Android development company about the payment method to avoid complications in the future. Companies may receive payments via PayPal, credit card, bank transfer or direct deposit. You can now pay for the invoice sent to the customer by email.





During the interview session (video or face-to-face), you should meet with the team to participate in the project. If you are not a developer, he can ask you questions related to the obstacles that may arise in the development process, Android technology interview questions are left to the interviewer.

If you do not have a technical background, it’s necessary to ask about the business aspects of collaboration. Through interviews, you can be sure that your team is interested in the project and whether the team can complete the project.

When the candidate starts to express his / her idea of developing the solution, do not withdraw it. This discussion can indicate that you want to make a better product and provide useful technical advice. Interviews help you understand how your team delivers ideas and whether you can maintain strong professional ethics. Interviews can ultimately make decisions and establish relationships with potential development teams.

Hiring an Android development company

If you have an application idea, you should find a developer who can create it. You can search for developers on the platform or visit the developer company’s website to request reference materials. You should also look at the technology stack your developers use, ask for their code samples, and provide similar test work to your project to identify the technology solutions that Android developers can provide. When choosing the team you want to work with, find out how they work and how they are talking about the project through interviews.

Working with Android Development Company, you can build products quickly with timely updates. To select a developer, you need to perform a real test. You should also be comfortable when communicating with the team. So you have to choose a technology team that has excellent communication skills.

Advantages of the Android development company

Benefit # 1

By hiring an Android development company, you can build a team with designers, quality analysts, developers, and project managers. You do not need to perform multiple interviews to find each team member individually. The company can provide all the team members needed to meet the requirements of the project.

Benefit # 2

A well-managed and completed team can complete their work faster. Because your development team usually works in the office, you can save time because you can communicate directly and determine the technology solutions you need to achieve your ultimate goal. Teams working in the same development center can meet each day and make valuable decisions.

Benefit # 3

After entering into a contract, the company is responsible for completing the project unless you terminate the contract. Do not worry when the project is finished.

Benefit # 4

The development company has a project reporting and tracking system. Be sure to get it when you work with a development company.

  • Wireframe
  • Demonstration Scene
  • Project requirements

List of QA engineers for testing

  • Mind Map (Project Map)
  • Technical documentation
  • Control Panel User Guide

The project manager sends a detailed e-mail about each sprint and changes during the development process. You can track and annotate each task with tools that make it easy to manage remote teams.

Octal IT Solution is a top Android development company that has been using Android for over 10 years to produce powerful applications. Our experienced teams use this powerful programming language to solve complex tasks. Check our portfolio for evidence.